Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Last Malay Raja of Patani


The last Raja of Patani, HRH Sultan Abdul Kadir Kamaruddin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman Sharifuddin (r. 1899-1902).

His lonely and courageous stand against incessant Siamese aggression, which led to the ultimate annexation of his kingdom, is one of the great untold stories of Malay history. The Sultan vigorously resisted Siamese designs on his land and actively rallied international political support to preserve Patani sovereignty.

Advised by a wary Britain to avoid warfare, he was deceived and abducted at gunpoint by Siamese forces in a sham meeting. The Sultan was inexplicably charged with “treason” against the invading Siamese state and jailed in the draconian Phitsanulok prison. He was finally released after over two years of incarceration when he purportedly “renounced politics,” although Siamese coercion failed to extract “confessions” of wrongdoings.

Sultan Abdul Kadir personally led the Patani Malay liberation struggle against Siamese rule and fought to regain his old kingdom until his death in Kelantan in 1933.

Patani may have been subsumed under the Thai yoke, but the bloodlines of Patani royalty thrive in the royal families of several Malaysian states and nobilities of the Nusantara, with many descendants playing prominent roles in government and industry throughout the region.


  1. Daulat Tuanku !!!

  2. Another blank spot in Malay history.

    All we hear/learn is abt Malacca. What about Patani?


  3. sultan ni takkan tak ada waris keturunan kot? boleh saudara inform siapa yg teruskan pejuangan Tengku Mahmud Mahyuddin tu sekarang ni?

  4. moyang saya..
    tengku umar..telah berhijrah ke besut terengganu selepas perjanjian bangkok 1909.

    dikatakan raja pattani.

    saya menghadapi kesukaran untuk mengesahkan salsilah tengku umar ini. apakah hubungan beliau dengan tengku abdul kadir kamaruddin...raja besar pattani?
    sekiranya....tengku umar adalah raja di salah sebuah negeri dalam pattani besar..di mana harus saya perincikan salasilah tengku umar ini??

    mohon kerjasama dari pihak tuan blog.

  5. Hello,

    Nama Saya adalah Raja Ahmad Feisal Bin Raja Ahmad Shah. Arwah Bonda saya bernama Tengku Christina Fatihah Bt Tengku Ahmad Panglima DiRaja Kelantan. Arwah Bonda kepada Bonda saya bernama Tengku Cik Kamariah bt Sultan Abdul Kadir Kamaruddin ( Sultan Patani yang terakhir).
    Untuk pengetahuan, ramai lagi cucu cicit kepada Sultan Abdul Kadir yang masih hidup dan tinggal di Kelantan tetapi telah terputus hubungan dengan saudara mara dan sahabat handai serta rakyat Patani kerana tidak berpeluang untuk menjalin siratulrahim olih sebab sebab tertentu dan ketiadaan wang ringgit yang mencukupi.
    Kita semua daripada anak cucu dan cicit Sultan Abdul Kadir masih terkilan dengan nasib yang sendang menimpa rakyat Patani. Jika dapat membantu kita sebagai pewaris Sultan Abdul Kadir sanggup.

    Terima kasih

    Raja Ahmad Feisal


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